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"The world is but a canvas to our imagination."
- Henry David Thoreau

At Strategic Fulcrums, we're creating solutions to address core challenges in both life and business. We believe in the power of human ingenuity combined with cutting-edge technology to develop fundamental improvements.


Our Approach: Human ingenuity + Technology + Empathy = Breakthrough Solutions

We go beyond the surface level to understand the root causes of problems and then develop impactful solutions that make a lasting difference for our customers.


If you're driven to make a real impact to lives of customers and fast track your own growth, explore our open positions and join us in building a better tomorrow!

What's new at Strategic Fulcrums

Life by unClock

World's first and foremost life management tool. A fundamental game changer in its area. Please find out more about Life by unClock here.

App icon for Life by unClock, an app by Strategic Fuclrums Pvt. Ltd.
App Icon of WhifCal App by Strategic Fulcrums Pvt. Ltd.


All your Whats & Ifs, Calculated. An app that lets you go from unmanaged numbers to calculated, laid out plans in minutes. Take your strategies and imagination a step further, with scientific tools made for powering up your decisions.

Please find out more about WhifCal here

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