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Beyond Streaks: Reclaiming Your Life with Life Management

Streak COUNTABLE NOUN [adjective NOUN]: A consecutive series.


So you have a good streak going of that awesome thing you have always wanted to do.


Say your streak was to walk a certain number of steps daily, say 8000.


You try hard to not let it break. You find time to walk by somehow moving other things around. You walk even when your feet ache. You walk even when your body wants to rest. Somehow you have kept it going. Now you are on your highest ever number.

We have one simple question for you- How long can you keep it going?


- Some more days?

- Many more days?

- Life long?


Let's think ahead.


Say one day this streak is broken for some valid reason. Will you have the courage and motivation to start the next one? Say you did start it? How many such streaks will you be able to start after the previous one breaks?



We want you to think about two things here:


First, the point that you even have to be afraid that it will break, is itself a giveaway. If it were a natural behavior you wouldn't have to worry about it. In this case it breaking would be a departure from normal. When you got back to the said behavior - it would be returning back to normal.

unClock image asking the question - can you keep your new streak going for rest of your life? to illustrate the futile nature of streak management

Second, what happens to everything else that you moved around to make space for this important streak? Will you have to create a streak for them too, in the near future? Spend time with family at least once a day/week? Meet friends? Care for car regularly?


What if we were to tell you that this is not even needed? That there is a better way.


A way that is in line with how our bodies work naturally. One that builds on the behaviors that are natural to us. One that has been used by the best of us for thousands of years. One that stays away from these harsh tradeoffs and short term gimmicks. One that is unique to you and your needs. One where you are always in charge. One where you can look back and not find one or more broken streaks. One where when you look back you will find good memories of time well spent.


We are talking about ways of Life Management. It is a holistic approach that centers on you & your environment. It is flexible enough to change with you. And yet it is smart enough to bring you back to where you are meant to be- your normal self.


Find out more about Life Management here.


We would also like you to take a minute and read about Life by unClock. It is the world's first and foremost life management application. Designed to help you live and grow each day, while staying away from slogans, gimmicks, and cliches.


While there is a lot to unClock, we would like to mention just one aspect. With Life Management if you break a streak it is not a cause for concern, a thing to worry about or be scared of. It is simply a temporary pause to accommodate something else.

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