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Life Management | Constantly Chasing Life?

A working man running behind time and text quoting "chasing life?" with Registered logo of Life by unClock app

Ever get the feeling that life speeds up and gets away from you, when you get just so close?


You are not alone. Rest assured, this feeling is quite common. Here is what actually happens.


When we are focused on an objective, our brains tend to block out other things which it views as distractions. It is called the Silencing illusion.


It simply means that we (our brains) are choosing not to see the events, even though they are happening as they always did. As soon as the brain permits other information to be processed again, awareness of all we missed comes back to us. This gives us the feeling that life sped up on us, again, just as we were finally going to catch up with it.


Keeping an eye on the peripheral view of life around us will help you remain in the know and avoid this rushed feeling. This is especially so when you are dedicating greater attention to an area or objective. Simply tracking time will not suffice. To overcome this feeling of constantly chasing life you need attention management.


Attention management comes free with Life by unClock, world's foremost life management application. Learn more here.

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