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'Life Management Plan' and Why You Need One

Multiple cards showing different activities such as kids playing together, person running on track, dog playing with a ball and a person writing something. Registered logo of Life by unClock Application

Picture this: you're suddenly granted an abundance of time. A limitless supply of time is now yours to draw from, without any constraints. What would you do with it?


If you're like most people, you might find yourself without a readily prepared answer. This lack of planning for success can lead to two unfortunate outcomes:


  1. It creates a negative self-fulfilling prophecy. Doubts about your abilities and worthiness can cloud your approach, judgment and execution. This in turn makes you question whether your dreams are even possible or whether you are capable of achieving them. Then you give up on them without ever trying. A traveler who is not even on the road is unlikely to reach their destination.

  2. Creates a case of Imposter Syndrome. Even if success unexpectedly falls into your lap, you'll be unprepared to seize the opportunity, you may even doubt if you deserve this success or even worse if you have really achieved it. This mindset can again obviously hinder your progress and limit your potential.


While trying to meet the constant demands of today's fast paced life, we tend to focus excessively on our short-term needs and goals, neglecting the long-term needs and requirements, or vice versa. This is true for all areas in life and objectives within each area. This imbalance in or towards, any one area, can have detrimental effects on all aspects of our lives.


Whatever your immediate or long term goal is personal development, career growth, stress management, continuous learning, or self-care, all other areas of our lives still need consistent nurturing to survive and/or flourish alongside the pursuit of this goal. While focusing on one aspect, we must ensure that others are not left to starve completely.


For example, focusing only on work may cause you to lose out on friends and/or family front, or neglect your own needs. Even within the realm of work, neglecting your career growth or networking needs, while focusing exclusively on daily tasks can have significant consequences.


A comprehensive and flexible life management plan is essential for achieving life balance and goals across various areas of life. This holistic approach allows for a harmonious interplay between personal aspirations and professional pursuits. It also has to be flexible enough to meet the curve balls events or demands daily life throws at it. This is something fixed or cosmetic approaches are unable to do.


Life by unClock, the world's first and foremost life management tool, empowers you to create, and execute, your own personalized, comprehensive plan. It guides you in establishing a dynamic balance between different areas and objectives, helping you focus on what truly matters in life management for you.


Visit to learn more about the best way to realize your true potential - your way.

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