Escape the Time Trap: Reclaim Control and Embrace Stress-Free Living with unClock Life Management
We strive hard to find time for everything we need to do. We try to overcome a never-ending to do list. We try to manage our time more efficiently so that we can squeeze even more tasks into our schedules. We fill up all our time with schedule so that we can fit more schedule in our days. We start to skip meals or we begin stress-eating. We are exhausted to the point of burnout and yet we constantly run into sleepless nights filled with worries. We keep trying any solution we can think of that might help us do just a bit more. We keep doing this until one day we finally say to ourselves- “I can't do this anymore. I need a break. It's just too much!”
If this is, or was, you, we have two things to say to you - We understand you completely, and that this post is dedicated to you. Please read on to know more about such situation and how Life by unClock may help you when they arise the next time. And given the ever-increasing demands of our lifestyle, we can be sure that next time is just around the corner. For now let’s continue from the point of - I have had enough.
When things get bad, we turn to self-help experts (Google: Self help), and soak up a mix of quotes, blogs, books, videos, coaching and much more. Who hasn't turned to Google for tips on“how to manage time better," "tips for reducing stress”, “self improvement techniques”, inspirational quotes and more.
Instantly a swell tide of advice washes over us from every direction. Here are some of them.
Some methods simply suggest better, longer, or shorter to-do lists. (Google: To do lists).
Others advocate for perseverance and getting rid of emotion (Google: Stoicism) in the face of adversity.
Some others ask their users to become more productive (Google: Productivity tips) or to learn to manage time better (Google: Time management).
Few other approaches focus on helping their users develop new habit or two, (Google: Habit tracking) which may these people improve their situation.
Many aim to bring people back to their normal performance levels by helping them reduce their stress (Google: Stress management).
Despite our repeated attempts with one or more of these approaches, nothing seems to be consistently effective. Sooner or later we always end up, back in the same bad situation.
These solutions are like mirages in the desert. They promise great success by providing superficial fixes which do not address the underlying issues. They cost people a lot of money, time & effort, and yet the outcomes remain elusive. This cycle of seeking advice, trying techniques, and repeating the process when they fail is a common experience. What is also common is the general reaction to the outcomes of these techniques.
If they do not work, it is often we who did not try hard enough, or who did not apply the right technique, or applied it the right way. Bottomline remains it is our fault, not the technique’s. Success, on the other hand, is directly attributed to the technique's effectiveness, regardless of the personal contribution, costs, or sacrifices made by us along the way.
This is because the assessment does not often take into account the complete contextual limitations of their methods. If it did do so, a clear verdict would emerge:
That the problem is much deeper than what any of these limited or superficial solutions can solve.
Most of these solutions don't work because they go against the basic nature of the human body. They are also in continuous conflict with our personal environment. Let’s elaborate on this.
Our lives are not unidimensional. They do not happen in isolation. Our bodies have only so much capacity for thought and action. We need to meet the various, simultaneous demands put to us within our individual life context and within our limited personal resources. If the constant demand (stress) by any life factor crosses our body’s safety threshold our defense mechanisms kick in. With their help our bodies try to ward off the negative impact to the best of their abilities. So whether it is your overwork that is trying to harm your health, your new fasting regimen, or that cool new habit, your body will fight them both. Best case for the technique is that the body only reduces its effectiveness. Worst case it manages to defeat it completely. Our bodies even if they fail do not stop trying to get back to normal and as a result at the first opportunity where focus and enthusiasm run out, they revert back to old self.
So what can actually be done which works and is sustainable. Short answer is that we need to work with nature and time, not against them. Here is the slightly longer version of answer.
The constant complaints from people about feeling like they're drowning in tasks; constantly having to put off things they have long want to do; never having enough time to relax, and more are symptoms of a more fundamental problem.
That problem is lack of control over their time and ultimately life. This control gap makes people feel they are always chasing life. The race is to arrive at that magical day when they'll finally have caught up. That day when they will finally be free to live according to their own desires, and will have freedom to do what they have truly want to do. Operative word here is - always.
Constantly being in this state creates its own domino effect of problems for us. It causes people to start taking unnecessary pressure. This elevated stress can cause several health issues. Mental energy levels dip at the same time due to low morale caused by constant failure, further limiting our capacity to give our best. Ultimately a combination of all of these factors leads to bad decisions of all magnitudes being made. If this happens at one or more critical points, the vicious cycle starts over with even greater pressure.
The damage does not stop here. The effect of this negative cycle then seeps up through every area of people's lives. Overtime the pressure from all of these areas keeps steadily compounding. Eventually, despite their best efforts, number of tools used, and no matter how hard they may have tried, people end up back where they started. Often in a worse shape than before.
Let’s take it just a bit further. Imagine this: If you were following one of these techniques and your life circumstances were to change due to the vicious cycle above or simply due to one or more external factors - What would happen to your current streak or habit or schedule?
Would anyone ever want to put yourself on a vehicle which goes off the road, every time road took a turn?
Similarly then why would we want to put the most prized assets of our one and precious life - our time, the joy of living, our health, our success, and may be even those of our loved ones - in such a cycle?
What is needed is a better solution. One that aligns with, and holistically accounts for various evolving demands of our lives and goals. Something that goes beyond slogans, or providing partial and easy solutions of managing symptoms of deeper problem. As the saying goes - a good solution has to be at least as broad as the problem. This is precisely where unClock life management can help.
Life by unClock is about making best choices every step of the way. It gives you both a better shot at success, and the confidence that you cannot have done anything more. unClock’s thorough approach helps you make smart decisions, and provides you ways to execute these decisions with better preparation and reduced stress.
This is what the best of humankind has perfected over ages. It lies in every great success story you hear. Every generation has perfected it a little bit more.
UnClock though goes well beyond just providing you with the idea. It has a series of thoughtful innovations built in. These innovations help unClock adopt to your modern lifestyle and constantly changing life needs. As a result it can assist you in staying on track as the situations and priorities constantly change.
Our goal of building Life by unClock was to help people live this one life the way it is meant to be lived - with happiness, with joy, with success and to the fullest. We want everyone to be able to say yes to new experiences and reach their best potential. This is our one goal.
As a new product, we are likely to fall short on some or more counts, but please rest assured we are constantly working on making it work better for our audience - you.
We're confident that you'll love Life by unClock, your all-in-one life management app. Find out more at